Calvary Baptist Church
Loving God | Loving People
We exist to love God and serve others by proclaiming God’s Word, building lasting relationships in Biblical-community, and providing Biblical help for everyday Christian living. Therefore, we are committed to pursuing evangelization, edification, education, and encouragement through the ministries of our local church body and global ministry partners.
Sunday 9:15am
Adult Bible Fellowship, Group Prayer and Bible Study, Patch the Pirate Club
Sunday 10:30am
Expect biblical preaching and God honoring music. We provide a nursery and children’s church.
Sunday 5:00pm
Join us for biblical preaching and good music. Our nursery will provide safe care for your children 3 and under.
Wednesday 7:00pm
Our adults meet for a time of Bible study and prayer. Our children’s programs are for 1st-12th grade.
2024 Missions Conference
Join us for our annual missions conference. Special speakers include – Dr. Ben Sinclair, Executive Director of Baptist World Mission; and Caleb Stein, Peru.
We also have special evenings planned for ladies and men. All are welcome to attend, worship, and learn with us.
Calvary Baptist Church of Watertown, Wisconsin is a church of people in need of change helping people in need of change. Everyone is welcome to join us. Many ask what is expected of them when they come. We do not hold expectations with dress codes or Bible translations. Come join us worship the Lord together.
An addictions program designed to help those suffering with addictions of all kinds. We can all benefit from the weekly Friday night meetings as we all suffer from the addiction of sin.
Led by a certified instructor and helpful volunteers, Calvary’s ESL classes provide a helpful environment which allows individuals to learn and develop their English language skills.
Calvary Baptist Christian School is a private elementary school for K4-8th. Our mission is to come alongside parents like you and “Educate Servants for the Savior.”
Calvary offers opportunities for individuals to build strong relationships and receive Biblical help in every phase of life. We focus on cultivating a love for God and a heart for serving people.
Helping young adults connect with other young adults through regular activities. We host an annual Connect Conference to bring in young adults from around the country.
Youth Conference
The Wisconsin State Youth Conference (WSYC) is an annually held conference for teens, youth pastors, and youth leaders. Enjoy fun activities and spiritual teaching.
Calvary Baptist Church’s Faith Promise Missions program began in 1993. We passionately believe in the responsibility of local churches to send and support worldwide missionaries.
Raven Ministry exists to reach the people of Watertown by meeting their physical needs and addressing their spiritual needs. We must first show them we care.
Week of Sep 1st
SunSunday | MonMonday | TueTuesday | WedWednesday | ThuThursday | FriFriday | SatSaturday |
September 1, 2024(3 events) 9:15 am: Adult Bible Fellowships, Patch Club – 10:30 am: Morning Worship Join us as we worship our Lord in song and biblical preaching. Calvary Baptist Church 5:00 pm: Evening Service – |
September 2, 2024
September 3, 2024(1 event) 7:00 pm: ESL |
September 4, 2024(1 event) 7:00 pm: Prayer/Bible Study, Youth Group, Calvary Kids |
September 5, 2024
September 6, 2024(3 events) 10:00 am: Ladies' Bible Study 6:30 pm: Newfocus Facebook live – 7:00 pm: Newfocus – |
September 7, 2024(1 event) 8:30 am: Men's Bible Study |